
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Natural Weight Loss

Weight control through natural eating and exercising is with few exceptions, if people concentrated on the latest diet fad and more on eating right and staying fit, the weight would take care of itself. Everyone would not automatically be thin, but we’d settle in at a comfortable, reasonable weight that’s meant for us. We’d also be the healthier for it, physically and mentallyWeight control through natural eating and exercising is with few exceptions, if people concentrated on the latest diet fad and more on eating right and staying fit, the weight would take care of itself. Everyone would not automatically be thin, but we’d settle in at a comfortable, reasonable weight that’s meant for us. We’d also be the healthier for it, physically and mentally.

Exercise :

Exercising burns calories, it takes a lot of laps in the pool to burn off even one glazed doughnut. The truth is that exercising, by itself, dieting with no increases in activity is destined for failure. However, when pair a cut in fat and calories with an increase in activity level both become more effective. Exercising also has a residual effect by increasing also has a residual effect by increasing metabolic rate for a time, even after stop the activity. It also increases muscle mass, which will increase resting metabolic rate and hence the calorie-burning capacity generally. All this means that the well–exercised body burns more calories even when it is at rest. Any one can lose weight loss weight, that’s not particularly difficult. The reason everyone struggles so much is because they can’t keep the weight off. If truly want to succeed in the weight-loss game, work a little harder at maintaining the lost weight than at the actual losing of the weight.

Diet plans:

Liquid protein diets (very – low –calorie diets, protein –sparing modified fasts):
The liquid provide from 300 to 800 calories per day, with very little carbohydrate. The extra protein they contain supposedly prevents muscle loss and promotes fat breakdown for energy. Early powdered versions of these diets were dangerous because they provided too little carbohydrate, poor quality protein, and inadequate nutrients. The revamped liquid diets that first appeared in the late 1980s are safer than the earlier versions, but they still work best when followed under a doctor’s care. The biggest problem with these liquid protein diets, however, is that they don’t work in the long run because they don’t teach that how to eat real food in the real world.

Low- carbohydrate diets:

These diets have been around a time, but still crop up under different names. They are all modified ketogenic diets, which severely restrict carbohydrates to induce ketosis, forcing the body to break down fat for energy. Thus lose the fat, or so the theory goes. However, ketones build up in the blood and can create a dangerous acid-alkaline imbalance. Unbeknownst to the dieter, much of the actual weight loss is water, because the body is trying to get rid of the ketones through the urine. Weight regain is usually rapid.

Food combining ( Fit for life diet ):

The theory of food combining has been around for over 100 years, although it has gotten more popular in past decade. The diet claims that proteins and carbohydrates are digested by different enzymes, and eaten together will destroy each other’s enzymes and create toxins, making us fat. The diet imposes severe restrictions on fruit-it must be eaten alone, and at certain times of the day. Moreover, meat can’t be combined with grains.

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